National Adoption Information Clearinghouse
National Adoption Information Clearinghouse
Adoptive Families Magazine
A national adoption magazine. This site is packed full of great articles
and links to other helpful websites.
Tapestry Books
Huge selection of adoption and adoption related books for birth parents,
adoptive parents, children, and professionals. The catalog is even broken down
into country categories for international adoptions.
Large selection of adoption and adoption related books.
The Adoption Tax Credit
A link to the latest information on the US tax credit.
Adoption Learning Partners
Web-based adoption related education courses.

Rainbow Kids
An Online International Adoption Publication
Adoption by Choice
Highly recommended to take the stress out of dossier preparations
International Dossier Services, Inc.
Legal Eaze
International adoption document preparation and re-adoption
document preparation.
Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition
I600-A form needed for all international adoptions.
Social Security Online
This is a web site that answers questions on how to apply to social security
for a foreign born child.
US Dept of State
Passport applications to download (may require downloading Adobe Acrobat).
Joint Concil on intl children's services
Joint Council on International Children Services - legislative updates
and country specific information.